Country Doggie Spa & Grooming
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Price List

We also offer breed standard grooming. Call for a quote.

The hygenic clip includes a deluxe Hydrosurge bath,hand blow dry,brushing,nails clipped,ears cleaned,sanitary area clipped(if needed),pads trimmed(if needed)and feet trimmed(if needed) also price may vary due to texture of coat

0-25 lbs. $23 & up

26-50 lbs. $35 & up

51-75 lbs. $40 & up

76-99 lbs. $55 & up

This includes a deluxe Hydrosurge bath, hand blow dry,brushing,nails clipped,ears cleaned,sanitary trim,pads trimmed,feet trimmed, and a haircut with a hand scissor finish and style.Most hand scissor trims vary from 1/2 inch to a few inches in length.

0-25 lbs. $35 & up

26-50 lbs. $45 & up

51-75 lbs. $55 & up

76-99 lbs. $65 & up

This includes a deluxe Hydrosurge bath,hand blow dry, brushing,nails clipped, ears cleaned, sanitary trim,pads trimmed, feet trimmed and a bladed short haircut. Most shave downs vary from 1/8inch to 1/2inch.

0-25 lbs. $30 & up

26-50 lbs. $40 & up

51-75 lbs. $50 & up

76-99 lbs. $60 & up
EXPRESS GROOMING $20 small 0-25pds
                                   $30 med. 26-50pds

                                    $45 large 51-75 pds







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Deep conditioning treatment for the skin and coat $5-$12

Toothbrushing $5

Nail Trim $5

Nail Grinding $5

Flea Shampoo $5sm-med,lg $7

Flea Dip
small $4
med. $5
large $10

Special Shampoo
reg $5
large $7
We also offer color support shampoo for:
Brunettes,Blondes,Black, & White Coats

Mani-Pedi $12
Nails trimmed,nails ground, and feet trimmed

Toes n Bows $12
Nails clipped, ears cleaned, feet trimmed(if needed),
cologne and choice of bow(s) or bandana

The following are extras available plus the price of a full groom.

De-Shed Treatment $15
De-Shedding shampoo,deep conditioning treatment,deshed spray plus extra brushing time (recommended with a full groom every 4-8 weeks for maximum results)

Shiny Happy dog $10small-med $15 large 
Oatmeal shampoo, deep conditioning treatment wrap, tooth brushing, breath spray, & nail grind

Country Doggie Spa & Grooming
113 Hilltop Village Center Dr. Suite D
Eureka,MO 63025